I decorated a silver plated reindeer antler with tiny glass green and red balls, a gold snowflake, and a small quartz crystal point. I added a Celtic knot bead to the bail and a 24 inch silver filled chain.
The Yule holiday coincides with the Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. It marks the end of the dark half of long nights and the return of the light. Each day that follows will see the sun climb higher and the days become a bit longer. The holiday is celebrated with the lighting of the Yule log, the decorations of evergreens that represent immortality, and the giving of gifts such as fruit and candies.
The Celtic knot is often called a mystic knot or endless knot. It represents something that has no beginning and no end. It symbolizes the timeless nature of spirit and the infinite cycle of rebirth. Celtic knots can be used as a ward against negative energy and offer protection from harm. Celtic knot items are often given as a gift of eternal love and friendship.
Quartz has been used since prehistoric times as an adornment and a ritual tool in Europe and the Middle East, and also ancient America. It was most often used for different types of jewelry and carvings, including engraved gems and rock crystal vessels.
Quartz has been identified in Australian Aboriginal mythology and also Native American lore. It has been found in burial chambers in many European locations, including Newgrange and Carrowmore in Ireland. The Irish word for quartz is grian clock, which means stone of the sun.